A Hobby Site By An Over-The-Hill Average Mountain Biker

Burke Mountain - Red R (Upper)

aka: Red R



CAUTION: The trails are challenging and difficult and your use of them is at your own risk. You will find some sections of trail too difficult to ride. Please walk these sections to prevent injury to yourself. To prevent erosion, DO NOT walk off the trail or cut new sections. DO NOT alter the trails in any way.

Please refer to TRAILFORKS for the most up to date trail info and status.



Renamed to Red R.

The Red R (Upper) is a trail that really flows. It's not to steep and has only a couple of stunts on it. This trail starts high up on the mountain and descends down to the powerlines. The steep sections aren't as nasty as some of the trails on the North Shore but still are a bit hairy and a lot more fun. When you first enter the trail it starts out nice and level and you will encounter your first stunt here at the top. A ladder bridge traversing a fallen log, this one is good for practice before hitting some of the more technical trails. Further down the trail you'll come across some of the many logs and drops that will challenge you on this great trail. Near the end you'll be riding through a section of trail that is overgrown with bushes, let the face slapping begin. Finally before the end of the trail there is a steep that'll put your cockles back in their shell. It just looks nasty and is quite rideable (right Rob?).