A Hobby Site By An Over-The-Hill Average Mountain Biker

Burke Mountain - Well Good



CAUTION: The trails are challenging and difficult and your use of them is at your own risk. You will find some sections of trail too difficult to ride. Please walk these sections to prevent injury to yourself. To prevent erosion, DO NOT walk off the trail or cut new sections. DO NOT alter the trails in any way.

Please refer to TRAILFORKS for the most up to date trail info and status.

DO NOT RIDE WHEN WET. Please wait at least 24 hours after a rainfall to ride this trail.



Haven't rode this trail in 20+ years. Someone is maintaining the trail and am grateful for the work. I had a hard time with the middle half of the trail. Could not see a line on some technical sections. Maybe next time I'll be able to clear more of Well Good.


goprohero12black :: 106 photos



Its been close to 20 years since I was on this trail and was happy when I found it and a sign stating that someone was working on it. It's as steep, rooty, and rocky as I remember it. Beyond my courage now in my middle-aged existential existence. I don't bounce anymore when I bail but hit with a big thud and slide to a skidding stop, not a pretty thing to behold. I saw that the old entrance has be diverted. The remains were sitting off the side of the trail. You can see it in the pictures above.

Have change my personal rating from black to double black of Well Good, the steep section in my opinion warrants it.

Well Good starts with a ladder bridge over a stream and then off to right is a drop off a log (ride around to the left of it). Got a bit confused when I cam across another trail sign reading Revenge but couldn't find its entrance or if Well Good had been renamed in the intervening years. The singletrack was really nice up to this point and not steep. After this point is a really nice piece of plank work going over a rivlet and not allowing any degradation of the trail or rivlet. Quickly after this is another plank bridge traversing a rivlet but this time a bit higher, but not by much. So this section is relatively level, basically the calm before the storm.

After the above mentioned section the trail starts it descent. Rooty steeps, drops, rock work, boulders, and basically ass off the back of your saddle. I remember years ago riding the trail and just pointing my bike downhill and mumbling a prayer to Krom that my bail will be memorable through the ages but without a scratch. No real man made structures on the steep section and this could be a good thing. Near the end of the trail maybe due to its wetness I could not tell whether to take the left or the right. It's the left.

If I rode this trail, I might clear 50% to 70%. Oh well there are plenty of other trails on Burke Mt.


Digital Camera :: 133 photos



Finding this trail is a bit hard but worth the hunt. This trail isn't ridden much and is soft even though it's a couple of years old. When you first drop into the trail it's a log ride waiting for you. Next is a quick little steep and then unto a ladder bridge with a rooty section at the base of it. As you're riding along you'll encounter two wheelie drop ladder bridges in a row. Next is the ladder bridge with a little drop to finish it off and then onto the ladder bridge and ramp. The featured stunt on the trail is next. A ladder bridge and ramp combo. What makes this one tough is the proximity of the tree on your left and the width of the ramp. Wrong Way nailed the tree and Brian showed us all how it's done. After this is a steep section with a boulder blocking your way. At the base of the steep is a log ride across a thin log with steel mesh as your traction factor. Near the end of the ride is a sweet steep section on a soft loamy surface but the very end of this section is a nasty section with no run-off but a hard turn in it. Now as you're finishing the trail you'll need to ride over a couple of well sized logs and then carry your bike into a ditch and up the other side. Trail done.