A Hobby Site By An Over-The-Hill Average Mountain Biker

Mount Seymour - Lois Lane


Pining For The Fjords (Gone)


CAUTION: The trails are challenging and difficult and your use of them is at your own risk. You will find some sections of trail too difficult to ride. Please walk these sections to prevent injury to yourself. To prevent erosion, DO NOT walk off the trail or cut new sections. DO NOT alter the trails in any way.

Please refer to TRAILFORKS for the most up to date trail info and status.



Lois Lane is in five sections and the first section is a great deal of fun with the usual drops and logs to keep you entertained with a few steep sections thrown in for good measure. The second half of Lois Lane (after the main hiking trail) is just plain nasty. After this the trail goes from the power lines down to Old Buck. From Old Buck, at the juncture with the Baden Powell, it travels all the way down to the 2 km marker on the road. It is steep with a few drops that would make the devil religious. One drop starts in-between two trees and is about 2 ft straight down and a 6 ft steep runoff to finish it off.